Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Qualitative Research Concerns

My biggest concern with qualitative research is just the fact that I have never done this type of research and writing before. I know there is a certain format that you have to follow and certain things that need to be addressed when discussing the chosen topic. The last essay had a few new parts as well such as the abstract and catching on wasn’t too difficult so I’m not too concerned about formatting, simply curious. The fact that we even have a format to follow for this essay is a relief because for the audience effect paper I had a difficult time creating a format that would flow well. Also the interviews that could be involved are a somewhat foreign method of gaining information for me and I am not exactly sure who to ask, classmates or adults. I don’t really know how to use the information I gather in interviews when writing this essay nor do I feel I truly know the questions that should be asked, I only have an idea. I understand that I need to get opinions on the differences between two interpretations of a story but I have only a vague idea on how to use those questions and answers within my writing. I also have a few concerns about actually writing open-ended questions for these interviews which is not something I thought I would need to be concerned about. However, after class on Thursday when Ms. Clark examined a few qualitative questions I realized it might be harder than I had originally thought. All of these concerns will probably lessen once I decide on a topic and begin using this topic to understand the prompt a little more. I don’t believe I will have a problem staying away from quantitative research because we already wrote one paper that involved numbers and scientific data and one essay on that is enough for me.

In contrast, I am looking forward to picking a topic for this essay because there are so many options and directions I could look into. These topics are also a lot more fun than the last essay as well which is a good thing. If I had to choose between the theories of evolution vs. the little mermaid I would choose the fairy tale to write about. There are so many books and stories that have been altered and changed into movies that the topics are pretty much unlimited and I’m looking forward to writing about these differences. I am seriously considering writing about the differences between Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and the 2005 film interpretation of the story and how this film has modernized the tale for the 21th century viewer. Interviewing will be a challenge but I feel it is necessary for the qualitative research involved in this essay and figuring out whom to interview and what to ask could become difficult. If I write about Pride and Prejudice that rules out interviewing my parents or the rest of my family because I’m pretty sure I’m the only one whose ever picked up a Jane Austen novel in my house.


  1. I am nervous because I have never done this either, I had never even heard of it before now!

  2. I think we're all nervous because we've never done this before. It'll be a learn-as-you-write process.

  3. I agree that we are all nervous! And this topic is definitely more fun that many others and very open ended, I like it too! I also thing the APA format is still foreign to some of us, at least to me. This is the first class I've ever had to write in APA for.
